The Afterlife
It was not only the immediate future that interested David, but also eternity, and more specifically heaven. In the early 1980s he extensively researched everything the Bible had to say about heaven, and supervised the creation of a number of colorful, detailed posters depicting heaven and speculating on what it will be like.
To David, this was not an academic exercise. He recognized that the hope of heaven was an integral part of the Christian faith, and therefore should be presented as part of the Gospel message to the world. Perhaps if more people were persuaded of its reality, he reasoned, they would accept Christ as their Savior.
Reaffirming his unshakable faith in God's unfailing love, David discarded notions that God would allow millions of unevangelized souls to spend eternity in hell.

God's going to give everybody a chance--dead or alive, now or then--to hear the Gospel, to even see and believe and receive Jesus Christ as their Savior! ... Now wouldn't that fit your picture of a truly just and merciful and all-loving, all-merciful God, that ... everybody is going to have a clear-cut chance to see and believe and receive and obey Jesus Christ? Everybody! Dead or alive! [1]

He says specifically, "This is the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world!" Everybody is going to have their chance sooner or later! Maybe they haven't had it yet, but everybody is going to have their chance at "the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world" sooner or later. It sounds to me like most people are going to eventually get saved, or at least reconciled to God. [2]
(For more on TFI's beliefs regarding the Afterlife see TFI's Statement of Faith)